Neighbourhood Gateways

The Neighbourhood Gateways are the main points of connection to the neighbourhoods and are intended to demarcate a transition between the Campus and surrounding community and provide clear wayfinding.
20th Street and Princess Avenue Gateway
20th Street and Princess Avenue is a community-oriented gateway that connects most directly with surrounding residences to the north-west of the Campus. New buildings at the corners with animated uses at grade such as a corner store or cafe are envisioned to help define the entrance into the Campus and function as gateways in themselves.
Lorne Avenue and 20th Street Gateway
The Lorne Avenue Gateway at 20th Street is a new connection into the Campus and similarly to the 20th Street North Gateway, is defined by new buildings and open spaces that frame the entranceway into the Campus. It presents a new opportunity to integrate and welcome residents with quality buildings and a beautiful tree-lined entry.
Louise Avenue and 20th Street Gateway
The Louise Avenue Gateway at 20th Street is enhanced as a more attractive and welcoming entrance into the Campus and is an opportunity to better integrate the Healthy Living Centre as a more prominent gateway building.
- Gateway treatments for these neighbourhood-oriented connections should be welcoming in terms of design treatments and can include a mix of attractive architectural form and welcoming façades, inviting open spaces, beautiful and innovative streetscape design, public art, and enhanced materials.
- Each gateway should have safe pedestrian crossings at the intersections with pedestrian signalization, enhanced materials. A raised intersection treatment should be considered to mitigate traffic speeds.
- Gateway treatments should be located so that they can be viewed at a distance along the neighbourhood streets and function as a draw into the Campus.