Loading & Servicing

The compact scale of the Campus and the priority for a pedestrian-oriented environment requires a more integrated strategy for the loading and servicing of buildings. The Plan maintains the loading and servicing areas that are in the interior of the Campus, such as the area adjacent to the A. E. McKenzie building, as well as the servicing lane at the rear of the Healthy Living Centre. The lane along the Campus’ west edge provides loading and servicing access for existing and new buildings. In addition, loading and servicing areas are expected to be integrated in the design of any new building.
- All loading and servicing areas are to be designed and treated as part of the public realm and pedestrian circulation areas.
- The materials used for servicing areas must be in keeping with the materiality of the public realm design such that they are attractive circulation areas.
- Existing loading areas should be screened from view. Design innovation should be used for all screens such that they are integrated in the landscape design and contribute to the character of place.
- Loading and servicing along the westerly lane should be time and day controlled to be respectful to the adjacent residential neighbourhood.
- All new buildings that are not accessible by lane or by an existing service area, must integrate loading and service areas internal to the building with entrances that are not along the primary frontage of a building.
- Any building whose loading entrance point fronts a street, must integrate the entryway as an attractive component of the buildings’ façade.
- All primary pedestrian routes must be designed to accommodate service and emergency vehicles.

Precedent: Incorporate art, decorative elements, and enhanced paving into loading and service areas to attractively integrate within the public realm