Supporting Studies
Campus Space Plan
As part of this Campus Master Plan process, a Campus Space Plan was undertaken to inform and support the Plan and long term implementation strategy. The Space Plan analysed the supply of internal building spaces on the Campus and the anticipated space needs for each program, faculty, and department. The report draws on information from stakeholder interviews, as well as enrolment statistics, and existing space and allocation plans. Its conclusions reflect projected growth to 4,000 full time equivalent students by 2027, and projects the anticipated growth and space needs across each program. The Campus Space Plan Report should be read in conjunction with the Campus Master Plan.
Additional Studies
The Campus Master Plan provides clear direction for the implementation of meaningful buildings, and for the creation of great quality places as well as a pedestrian-oriented and accessible public realm. In addition, the Campus Master Plan recommends further detailed studies to be undertaken in the future that are necessary in realizing the full Vision of the Plan.
To support future development and implement the Plan’s recommendations, there are a range of studies and reports which can appropriately guide the design of new buildings and spaces. Some of these studies will likely be tailored to specific development applications, and as such, should be undertaken at an appropriate time to best support those projects, while others will provide longterm strategic guidance to support the implementation of the Campus Master Plan.
Campus Infrastructure Studies
As mentioned in Campus Space Plan, further studies examining the Campus’ infrastructure from structural, mechanical and electrical perspectives are recommended, in addition to targeted functional programs that would address the specific strategic growth plans and requirements of each Faculty and School, as well as certain other important stakeholders including the University’s student body and affiliated services as well as the University’s administration.
Transportation Analysis Report
A report to examine mode share, circulation, traffic volumes, parking supply, transit ridership, cycling facilities and other components of the campus movement system will inform future parking demand, identify opportunities through development for greater multimodal transportation integration, and provide analysis to support efficient operation of new and existing roads.
Utilities Analysis Report/Infrastructure Plan
A assessment of the functional servicing capacity of existing infrastructure will help to inform the analysis of the feasibility of new development, and identify potential infrastructure improvements. This can be complemented with an Infrastructure Plan that identifies improvements required to support the continued operation and expansion of the campus, along with appropriate phasing.
Housing Strategy
A survey of existing housing assets and analysis of anticipated housing demand can inform appropriate planning and phasing of new residential development.
Open Space Master Plan and Programming
An Open Space Master Plan builds on the structure and recommendations of the Plan’s Open Space Framework, and provides a greater level on the design of each of the proposed open spaces, along with suggested design improvements to enhance or re-purpose existing spaces and to support increased use and greater connectivity and visibility. It is recommended that this study also examine programming strategies to promote efficient use of open spaces, as well as opportunities to increase community and year round use.
Wayfinding and Signage Strategy
This document can provide strategies to improve campus legibility and identity, facilitate connectivity and access, and foster a greater sense of place through cohesive signage and campus mapping.
Market Feasibility and Economic Analysis
In support of development opportunities, financial Proforma analysis should be undertaken, including analysing the market absorption rate of potential uses on Campus (retail, residential, and office).