Development Phasing

The Campus Master Plan reflects the recommended long-term development of Brandon University’s Main Campus, and improves buildings and open spaces in an ongoing and simultaneous approach that is in keeping with the Vision and Guiding Principles. Early initiatives of the Plan can be implemented over the near-term and should be prioritized according to the University’s strategic objectives. These initiatives can include “lowhanging fruit” or “quick wins,” which are generally cost-efficient projects that can start soon after the Plan is approved and assist in continuing the positive momentum generated for the Plan.

Phase One initiatives may happen over a five to ten year period, which may entail greater capital or partnerships to fund the projects. The focus of development should be a response to creating more efficient use of space or the re-purposing of existing buildings as directed by the Campus Space Planning Study, as well as the enhancement and re-purposing of existing open spaces. No new building development would be anticipated in the early phases of development. That said, it does not negate development should the demand arise for a specific use, such as the need for a new residential building on campus or the need for a new gateway building along Victoria Avenue.

In the mid ten to twenty year time frame, development should continue to evolve in a compact manner, adding on to existing buildings where recommended in the Plan, and creating new interior and exterior adjacent open spaces. The long term, twenty plus development time frame, looks at the build-out of the south campus and the west campus parking lot areas.

Quick Win Initiatives

These priority projects are considered immediate “low hanging” opportunities for improvements that do not require excessive groundwork or fiscal allowances.

Quick Wins

Short-Term Priority Initiatives

Within a five to ten year time frame, development should focus on the efficient use and re-purposing of existing campus buildings and building space, and continue to enhance the Open Space Framework.

Short Term

Mid to Long-Term Initiatives

Manage growth and development of the campus in a compact way, focusing on the redevelopment of or additions to existing buildings as opportunities for growth.

Mid to Long-Term

Long-Term Initiatives

Long Term initiatives includes the build-out of the balance of the campus.
