Campus Master Plan
Brandon University’s Campus Master Plan lays out a long-term Vision for the physical growth and enhancement of Brandon University’s main 18th Street campus, while providing high-level direction for the planning of the University’s other campus locations. The Plan represents the collaboration and consensus of multiple and diverse stakeholder groups, including staff, students, faculty, and alumni, as well as a broad spectrum of external stakeholders including City of Brandon staff, the Mayor, City Council, the School Board, Assiniboine College, Indigenous Community members, neighbours, and community leaders.
Over the course of the project, and particularly through the engagement process, a clear Vision, Guiding Principles, Design Frameworks, an Implementation and Phasing Strategy, and a Campus Space Plan were established to direct the future of the University’s lands over a 20-30 year development horizon. The Plan envisions the Campus evolving into a community-oriented University District that is vibrant throughout the day and at all times of the year. The Plan offers a diversity of amenities, services, and experiences for both the Campus and neighbouring community, with new academic and mixed-use buildings, vibrant and functional open spaces, with an emphasis on pedestrian-oriented streets and pathways.
The Brandon University Campus Master Plan
The Campus Master Plan is not a blueprint for development; rather, it provides a structure and guiding framework for the future development of built form, open spaces, and movement networks on the Campus and ingrains sustainability, resilience, and the indigenization of the Campus as core threads throughout.
The Plan represents the full physical build-out potential for the Campus and makes recommendations for the space planning needs of BU’s space at the University of Winnipeg. It also makes recommendations to enhance the physical relationship with the University’s Fleming student residential site as well as the downtown site in terms of connectivity and accessibility to the main campus.
The Plan is to be utilized in conjunction with BU’s planning and policy framework, which includes the Integrated Strategic Planning Framework and Strategic Academic Plan, and should be referenced when considering new investments and projects on the Campus.

The Plan
The vision and principles that will guide us, as well as our overall Concept Plan for new buildings, open spaces, and movement networks.

Plan Framework
Detailed policy recommendations to implement plans for the Campus’ built form, open spaces, movement, and sustainability and resilience.

Use of Space Plan
An inventory of existing BU indoor and outdoor space, as well as projections for future utilization.

Context & Background
How this plan came to be, including our objectives and process, as well as community engagement.

Plan Implementation
Proposed initiatives in the near, medium, and long term, including recommendations on further studies.