Neal R. Melvin

Assistant Professor
  • B.Sc.


Phone: 204 571 8563

15:151 - Biology of Life
15:162 - Cells, Genetics, and Evolution
15:361 - Neurobiology
15:370 - Molecular Cell Biology
15:453/18:453 - Drugs and Behaviour
15:471/15:671 - Genomics and Bioinformatics
48:663 - MELS Graduate Science Seminar Series
48:664 - MELS Graduate Seminar in Environmental and Life Sciences

Research Interests:
There are currently two main projects underway in my lab.

1) The role of schizophrenia-associated mutations in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia. This project involves a detailed molecular characterization of the protein phosphatase calcineurin in mediating the effects of working memory deficits.

2) The role of the RNA-binding protein Rbm3 in mediating synaptic plasticity associated with long-term memory formation.

Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research-funded Postdoctoral Fellowship
Department of Psychiatry - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, 2008-2010

Ph.D. (Neuroscience) - University of Lethbridge, 2008
M.Sc. (Neuroscience) - University of Calgary, 2001
B.Sc. (Psychology, with Distinction) - University of Lethbridge, 1998

Previous positions held:
Adjunct Professor, Department of Neuroscience
University of Lethbridge
2010 - present

Faculty in Neuroscience and Molecular Biology
Quest University Canada
2010 - 2018