COPPUL stands for the Council of Prairie and Pacific University Libraries. Brandon University’s membership in this organization allows us access to databases and services we wouldn’t have otherwise.

A COPPUL Card will let you borrow from most university libraries in Canada. Undergraduate students can’t borrow from the University of Toronto, the Ontario College of Art and Design or any Quebec university, but they can borrow from any other university. Faculty and graduate students can borrow from any university.

With a COPPUL card, you have the same borrowing rights as a member of that institution. You also have the same obligations. That means that you may owe fines if you don’t return the book by the due date.

To get a COPPUL card, come to the library information desk and we will give you either a distinguished-looking grey card (for graduate students and faculty) or peppy-looking yellow card (for undergraduates).The cards are valid until the start of the next academic year – they expire each August.